Unity Prayers for Health and Healing
The perfect life of God is flowing through my entire body right now, doing its mighty work – cleansing, purifying, and healing anything that needs to be healed. The wisdom of God is present and working through every medical professional. The love of God lives in me as peace and strength. Every atom of my body is an expression of pure spirit and contains wholeness, harmony, and complete perfection. I am healed in every way. (Unity Prayer Ministry)
I am an expression of infinite life. I breathe the breath of Spirit. I breathe the breath of life. Every breath supports and strengthens me, renews and refreshes me. I am one with the spirit of life – infinite and eternal. Breath by breath, I heal. I live. In prayer, I claim life. (Unity Prayer Ministry)
I am renewed in mind, body, and spirit by the healing power of God within. I am anchored in the truth of wholeness, aware of the power of God-life in every aspect of my being. I renew my mind as I hod healing thoughts. I renew my body as I bless every cell and structure of my body temple. I renew my spirit as I center myself in prayer. (Unity Prayer Ministry)
Healing energy flows throughout my being. In this moment, I release any thought that lessens well-being. I attune to the spirit of life that is recognizable as health and renewed vitality, and I live in that flow. Well-being is my experience as I know the truth of my divine life. (Unity Prayer Ministry)
My body is a vessel of life and energy. God is my vitality. Centered in God-life, I am energized and renewed. Grateful for the harmony of my body’s systems and functions, I bless my body into heightened health and well-being. I heal any concern about my body as I am centered in God-life. (Unity Prayer Ministry)
Realizing my divine nature, I am healed. I deny any belief in limited health or well-being. Instead, I turn my mind toward the knowledge of my divine nature. God-life is my life. I claim vitality and wholeness, strength and well-being. I heal by realizing my true nature and by living fully, starting with this moment of conscious prayer. (Unity Prayer Ministry)
The Spirit of God dwells within me filling me with life-restoring energy. I see myself as God sees me – whole and healthy in body, mind and soul. Knowing God’s will for me is absolute good, I release any belief in the power of any condition less than perfect health. I am healed through the power of the Holy Spirit.Mighty currents of God’s healing love flow through me making me whole and free. The revitalizing power of God’s Life touches every atom and cell of my body. I affirm that there is no obstacle to the free-flowing life of God moving through my entire being. I am healed through the power of the Holy Spirit!
The compassionate love of God knows no bounds. I focus my attention to life-affirming ideas and true understanding of who I am. I am a child of God, and health is the natural manifestation of the power of God within me. I am healed – whole and vibrantly alive.
HEART: God’s love flows through my entire being. My heart beats in perfect harmony and rhythm with the great heart of God. I am healed on every level of my being.My heart is blessed for through it flows the pure, renewing love and life of God. It is the center through which God’s life-restoring current flows — my heart is strong, sound, vital, and harmonious. My heart is blessed by the pure, renewing love and life of God pulsating through it. It beats in perfect rhythm and order. It is cleansed of all misunderstanding, in-harmony, impurity, or disease. Its action is well-ordered and harmonious. Through Christ in me, I am free and unburdened.
HEARING: My ears are blessed and in tune with the beautiful sounds of Spirit. My mind and heart are open to every new avenue of opportunity and I am free. Through the power of God’s transforming love, I hear clearly and fully.
SIGHT: With eyes of faith, my sight is strengthened. They are made perfect through the healing and regenerating activity of God. As my eyes look forth through the prism of God’s love and light, my eyes are healed and made whole.I look upon the world through God-perfected eyes, and I find my world transformed. God pronounces a benediction of love and harmony through me, toward all that I see.
TEETH: As a spiritual being I cast aside any believe in death or decay. No devitalizing thought can work in my teeth. They now respond to the perfection of the Christ Mind, and the pure substance of Spirit makes them sound and whole.
BREATHING: The inspiration of the Almighty now fills my mind. It quickens in me newness of life. God breathes into my lungs the breath of His own life, and I am healed.
MATERNITY: Through the Christ Spirit within, my mind and body work together for the complete and harmonious well-being and development of the precious new life growing in me. The precious new life developing within me is enfolded in the peace and strength of divine love. God is guiding me to make wise and healthy choices in food, rest and thoughts. I am blessed and assured with perfect health through each term of me pregnancy. With joy and ease I bring forth my perfect child. As I deliver this child, I affirm peace, strength and harmony for it and for me. God’s life and love enfold us both with loving protection.