
Dominion: Reigning in Your Kingdom Within (video)

POWER: The ability to master and have dominion and control. The disciple PHILIP represents power over our thoughts and feelings. The month is MAY, the corresponding color is PURPLE and the location is the root of the tongue.

The spiritual faculty we call “power” is our ability to transform energy from one form to another. Power is our ability to use the energy of God. We can use that unlimited potential energy as much or as little as we choose. We can use that unlimited potential energy to bring about good in our lives or, if we so choose, we can use it to bring about those things that we call bad or evil.

Each of us is creative. We have to be – because we were created in the image
and likeness of God. Each of us has the ability to shape substance – to shape energy – to transform energy with our thoughts and words. Our individual thoughts and words are the way we have dominion over our world.

We have that power within us right now. The power to shape and determine our own experience.

Quantum physics is backing up what Charles Fillmore told us 100 years ago. Science has found that at the sub-atomic level, particles will react according to the consciousness of the observer. Charles Fillmore said “Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.” And as we think and as we put our thoughts into words, we put them out into the universe – changing our perception of reality. Changing our world.

This whole concept places all of the responsibility on us. Not only for own experiences, but responsibility for our entire world. It is our choice whether to use our faculty of power for good or for evil.

Every thought we think, every word we speak plants a seed. We have the choice of planting seeds of love and peace versus seeds of hate, fear and prejudice. In every moment we have that profound responsibility. Are our thoughts positive, loving, expanding and encouraging? Or, are our thoughts negative, hate filled, discouraging and killing? Do our words bring healing and life or do our words destroy?

Each of us needs to ask ourselves: What do my thoughts and words bring into my life?  What do they bring into my world? With our thoughts and words, we transform energy – we create our own experiences and we join others in creating our world. The everlasting truth is that as we think and speak, we are the power of God in action. God is power, we are powerful!