Understanding is not enough, we must also live the truth we know
Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough. A person must also live the truth he or she knows. We must put these principles into action. These truths are spiritual law; they apply to everyone, all the time.
As per Ellen Debenport in “The Five Principles”, “When we are living the truth, any action we take will be from a consciousness of Spirit and oneness, with ego in service to the soul.” No matter what you do, there must be a shift in consciousness first, before we can take action as we are inspired to do so by Spirit. Putting principle into action starts from the inside. To bring peace, be peaceful. Stop yelling at other drivers, and be patient in the grocery line.
Principle Three tells us that what we focus on expands. We can “live the truth” by simply focusing. Focus on peace and harmony. Focus on Love. See if a change in focus makes a difference in your life. An energy shift always precedes physical changes.
God doesn’t require a demonstration of faith, but we make room for good by being prepared to receive it. Living the truth takes on many forms. What matters is what’s going on in people\’s hearts and minds. We create for ourselves according to our level of awareness and inspired action. Our thoughts and feelings contribute to the whole. It all matters.