Elimination: Release and Renew (video)
ELIMINATION: The ability to release, remove, denounce, deny, and let go. The disciple THADDEUS represents the expulsion of negative thinking. The month is NOVEMBER, the corresponding color is RUSSET and the location is the abdominal region.
It is hard for us to let go of ways of thinking, beliefs, patterns, places, jobs, things that have been a good or helpful part of our lives. Yet time and again that is what we have to do – give up something old and familiar for something new and better. We can erase all the ugly parts of the past – mistakes, old beliefs, guilt, fears, and failures. We can erase them with our Thanks, but no Thanks power. We erase them with the power of elimination, by using the tool of denial.
Using a denial is an inner process. We don’t try to deny away disease, personalities or outer circumstances. The denial we are talking about is not hiding our head in the sand saying that something we don’t want or something we dislike doesn’t exist. Denials are used to shape our own beliefs and attitudes.
For example, if we have an illness, we don’t say, “I don’t have this illness.” An appropriate denial would be I am not this illness, I am a child of God. Or “this illness does not have the power to determine my attitude. Like a scary movie that gets our adrenaline pumping, there are many times that we react to old thoughts, beliefs, fears and memories.
Sometimes what we react to is so old or so buried that we find ourselves reacting without knowing why. Our reactions come from feelings that seem very real – but they are no more real than the scary movie. To build our elimination faculty, we have to train our thinking process.
First, we must become aware of what is going on in our lives, we have to begin to observe our thoughts and feelings, recognize them and begin to question where they come from. Then we can begin the process of changing our thoughts and beliefs by seeing our error thoughts and by denying that they are relevant to us anymore.
As we move the old limiting beliefs out of our consciousness, we choose to replace them with the beliefs that we know are true for us. I wonder what heaven here on earth would look like if we spent as much time on our thoughts and our minds as we do on our bodies. The everlasting truth is that one of our greatest powers is the power of elimination – the power to say Thanks, but No Thanks to that which doesn’t serve us.